Prayers, Comfort and Strength for Palestine

 Its truly a sad time and day when you have to post things about children being murdered. The whole situation in the middle east between Palestine and Israel is very confusing to those of us out here in the West. The one thing we can all concur on is that children should not have to suffer the consequences of the decisions made by terrible people that choose war. I don't know the truth of all of what's really happening there. The news in the West mainly focuses on Israel, when I know for a fact that innocent civilians and children are suffering big time in Palestine. For years, their homes and land have been stolen for them in the name of Judaism. Its not fair. 

This card is made to show my solidarity for the innocent victims in Palestine that are suffering and that I can't do anything for 

I am selling off these cards if you are interested in purchasing one. All funds collected will be donated to Islamic Relief Canada who is constantly trying to get money and supplies into the lives of innocent people in Palestine. Please let me know if you would like to purchase one.

Thanks for stopping in! 

